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Expert Advice and Free Internet Marketing Tips and Resources. A well rounded resource for getting traffic to your on-line business. Specifically targetted towards affiliate and Network marketers.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What the heck is Web 2.0?

If settting your business up on-line was not confusing enough now the new buzz phrase is Web 2.0.

"If you are not Web 2.0 compliant you may as well just give up!"

Sounds a little intimidating doesn't it? Well it's not. It's Easy.

So what does Web 2.0 actually mean? Is it just mumble jumble fancy packaging or is it in fact a new trend a new age in web surfing as we know it?

Well it is in fact a new trend. At one point surfing the web meant searching for information. We left the publishing up to the big guys. To have presense on the web you needed to know how to put up a web page. The line between publisher and viewer was a lot more distinct.

So if I had to sum up the definition of Web 2.0 in one word that word would be, simply, 'Interactivity'.

Web 2.0 = Interactivity

It is when we as a surfer interact with others using on-line platforms such as:

Social Networks - MySpace Friendster

Business Networks - SaleSpider, ApSense, Bizpreneur

Social and Gaming Networks - EVO

Forums and Message Boards Business- the Warrior Forum

Forums and Message Boards Social - MyLot

Weblogs - Squidoo! Blogger

Classifieds - Craigslist, E-bay

Social Bookmarking -

Communication Software - Skype

So that is it in a nutshell basically any internet site or utility that enables you to publish or share information on the internet.

For a more technical definition of Web 2.0 visit Wikpedia.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Operation on-line Personality Re:-Design. 4 step process.

Is it time for an on-line personality Re:-Design?

I will present two different scenarios for you. Which is your current
marketing honest with yourself!

1. You approach someone on the street to tell them about your fabulous
offer and you just start (ALL CAPS YELLING)...

SIGN UP TO THIS OFFER IT IS THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD!NOW! What do you think would happen? ...They would RUN AWAY!

2. You were to approach someone on the street to tell them about your fabulous offer and say

Hello. My name is Julie Zbeetnoff. How they are doing? Nice weather today don't you agree? Can I buy you a coffee? (on-line it would be offer you help or an e-book),and then casually ask them if they have ever heard about your fabulous product before?

What do you think they would do? They would probably be an attentive audience!

Well we can't ignore it any longer can we? The buzz words are flying around the internet and the vibe is definitely a 'Social' one!

Social Networking, Social Bookmarking, Social Groups, Social Clubs,
Social Gaming the Web 2.0 has gone social.

Social interactivity is the changing the face of the internet as we know it with communities springing up with the sole pupose of meeting others and networking in a "social" environment whether it is to make friends, find activity partners, or find fellow blue herring fanatics or whatever your fancies.

Many companies will actually show you how to set up MySpace 'trains' to promote, I personally am totally against this. I have been a member of MySpace from the get go and this is where I tell all my friends to go to hang out and meet me. This is not a place I want to be bombarded with ads for 'a free i-pod' or incessantly told I must 'fill out surveys and earn thousands of
The place to network with other online marketers and business owners, the place to find your targeting audience would be a "Social Business Network".

What exactly is a Social Business Network?

Its basically a network where like minded business people can associate in a non-volatile on-line environment friendly to self promotion.

How do I make a Social Network Work?

Developing relationships within the network is the key to success here. Some people try out these network spam every single member that agrees to be added as an associate and then they wonder why they don't get results. The trick is introduction, the reading and commenting on profiles and bios, the offer of help or the sharing of knowledge. Then through signiture lines and casual mention you offer your product.

Step one to Operation Personality RE:-Design:

Create a personal profile. Make it personal. Introduce yourself as if you were talking to a new member at your Yogo (or whatever) club. Remember? Hi! How are you? My name is Julie...Nice to meet you? I've been marketing on-line for... I found out about the Club background is...Have you heard of my Promotion? I chose to promote this type of business because...My goals are...My inspirations are...

Step two to Operation Personality RE:-Design:

Connect, connect, connect. Rememeber again...the etiquette. Actually view the persons profile before responding. Mention what they have said. Comment on what they are promoting, where they are from anything! The concept is so simple I could almost stop here.

Step three to Operation Personality RE:-Design:

These networks also allow for interactivity in forums and Q&A sections. I recommend participating as often as possible in these interactive sections in order to gain positive references and to further expand your network. Again do not be pushy add, share your knowledge, give input, ask questions, you might actually learn something while you're at it. Invite these people you are 'communicating' with to view your profile.

Step four to Operation Personality RE:-Design:

The soft sell. Keep in touch with members that accept your offers to connect and especially to those who return your messages. Sign you messages with your name and the Url of you business. Ask the other members if they have yet viewed your profile? Ask for opinions? Offer help! Often you can exchange free sign-ups with another member to help with each others downlines not to mention traffic sharing downlines you can help each other out with!

Yes Social Networks are here to stay, you can make them work for you if you know how to work them.

Is it time for an on-line personality Re:-Design? So-long to "in-your-face", Hello to "Hi how are you?"

The three networks I am currently active in are:

SaleSpider, Bizpreneur, and APsense

APsense, Bizpreneur and SaleSpider all have a place for your google code so as you associate your ads will be shown and you can make a few google adsense bucks.

Although I am sure there are many others these keep my hands full.

Social Business Networking can be very time consuming so you will get better results if you target just a few and focus on them rather than spreading yourself thin. In the end the final verdict is they have become the top source of highly targetted traffic. Ask any successful marketer and the SBN's will be in their top three for promoting.

Links to Social Business Networks:




Friday, June 15, 2007

The Big Hello! How to write a Welcome letter that gets feedback.

As soon as you get your sign-ups. You always send out a welcome letter. Avoid run on sentences and break things up into paragraphs as much as you can. Try to keep it as short as you possibly can but still get all the important criteria in.

Keep the word friendly in your mind at all time. Not bossy, not arrogant, not boring...friendly.

The main goal of this letter is to develop Rapport. So you want a reaction. You want to get them to write you back.

6 steps to writing an effective Welcome letter.

Step One to Writing an Effective Welcome Letter:

You send them a message and in the subject line you give them a big. Hello!
Step Two to Writing an Effective Welcome Letter:
Let them know who you are and your purpose.

I am your direct sponsor for (company name). I am here for you. Anything you need. Any question you have. I would love to help!
Step Three to Writing an Effective Welcome Letter:
Next tell them about you. Are your a family person? Are you a Student? You don't have to get too personal here just an overview.

Here is an example:

It's nice to meet you...My name is Julie. I currently live in Ontario Canada but have traveled and spent time all around the globe. I have worked as a graphic artist and web designer for the past 15 years. More recently I am establishing myself as a professional on-line marketing consultant.

Step Four to Writing an Effective Welcome Letter:
Time to welcome them and tell them why you love the company so much. Here is where your enthusiasm will pourith forth.
Welcome aboard.

I have been with (your company). I feel it is truly a great opportunity because(tell them why). The thing I like most is the fact (insert what you like most). I originally signed up because (insert why you signed up). I am now so glad I did because(tell them of our success so far).
Step Five to Writing an Effective Welcome Letter:
It's time to start asking questions. This is the part that will get them to return you e-mail. Once you get them to do this., you have them. You have got them on the hook ready to reel in and be an amazing team member and future team leader.

  1. What is it about (company name) that attracted you to sign up? - This will get them to start talking in a positive nature about the business right from the start.
  2. What is your marketing experience and where are you currently advertising? - This will set the mark at how much experience they have and how much training and guidance they will need. Often you sign people up that are more experienced than you and you actually can learn from them.
  3. What is your on-line business experience? - It lets them talk about what they have been involved with. People love to talk about themselves and their on-line business to anyone who will listen.
Word these questions in a conversational way. You don't want to sound like you are interigating.

By the way when you signed up for E4L was there anything that stood out that you really liked? What was your motivation to become a member?

Do you have any previous marketing experience and if so where do you currently advertise? Have you worked with a company similar to E4L before?
Last Step to Writing an Effective Welcome Letter:

It is time to offer help and present you blog...repeat again.

I am here to help you. Anything you need. I will love to help. I have had some really good experience recruiting so far and would love to share my resources. Please feel free to take a look at my traffic blog. It is information based rather than sales based. All these methods have been working for me to get sign-up everyday and they can work for you too!


I look forward to hearing from you soon!

The end. Sign your name and send it off!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Taking the First Steps to Affiliate Success

So are your ready duplicate my system?

What you and I are going to do right now is to make a commitment. A commitment to your business. A commitment to doing what it takes and putting in the time necessary for you to become a success.

The sources I am about to introduce you to have been the basis for success for two on-line businesses and now I am quickly establishing my third.

I know if you are new to internet affiliate, mlm and associate endeavors that it does not take long to realize that the success everyone tells you is so easy on the flashy websites is really a lot more difficult than you ever dreamed.

When you start to market your product/service you are bombarded with different marketing strategies. It can get confusing especially when everywhere you turn you are being asked for more money. You think to yourself I am trying to make money and all anybody ever seems to want to do is take it away.

Well I am happy you have you on my team. I want you to know that success on the internet is possible. I had to learn through the school of hard knocks and trial and error and have finally come up with a cost effective plan that leads to success.

When I say cost effective, what I actually mean is....FREE!

That's right. Every advertising and promotional tool listed in this blog is either outright free, a free introductory trial, or based upon earning credits that can be applied to your free advertising.

I originally started putting all my ad resources on a blog just so I could have a place to keep them all together and manage them all.

Then I thought to myself. I should set this up for members of my downlines. So they too can succeed. You are my downline... If you are successful so am I. : )

After this I started realizing that there could be benefits sharing this system to the public. I thought what better way to test this product than using the product itself? I have used every tool listed below to promote this very blog. You may realize this through the source that you are here today. hmmmm I might just have a point there.

I have set up a very comprehensive step by step guide to getting traffic to your site. As we all know traffic is important to a successful business.

Not only that but many of these are sources of perpetual traffic, meaning the longer you are involved and the more people you introduce to the same free sources the more traffic they will perpetuate. Just a tiny preview to what I will reveal to you in step 10.

This site is under development, less than a week old, so please bare with me if you come across any glitches or tpyos and please let me know as well! I would really appreciate it.

So If you are ready, roll up your sleeves, it is time to start attracting visitors to you site.

I have this blog divided into separate tasks. Give yourself time to pay special attention to each category. Anybody who tells you that you can just blast your ad to a million people in 5 seconds and you will be successful isn't being straight with you. If that were true then it would be the breakdown of society as we know it. If you really think about it wouldn't we just all join every program and just spend 5 minutes blasting an ad make thousands of dollars and move on to the next. I know we all wish it were that easy, but unfortunately this isn't a lottery, it is a business.

Marketing takes time, planning and strategy. Take your time, follow every step. They all work together in the end. You are setting up the foundation for all your future marketing endeavors.
This blog will become your portal to success with all your resources ready to go at your fingertips whenever you need them.

Please try to stick to the task at hand and try not to get too side tracked by the many resources that I will be putting before you. However you are encouraged to come back often to utilize and keep up to date all the info I have put before you.

Also I would love feedback and suggestions. If you have an effective marketing tool that is free or at least has a free trial I would love to know. I will test drive it to see if it works and if successful more than happy to share.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Do Manual Traffic Exchanges Actually Work?

Traffic Exchanges

What is a traffic exchange?

A traffic exchange website receives website submissions from webmasters that join traffic exchange networks. The person who submitted the website then has to browse other member sites on the exchange program to earn credits, which enable their sites to be viewed by other members through the surf system. This increases the number of visitors to all the sites involved.

Exchanges enforce a certain credit ratio, which illustrates the amount of websites the surfer must view in order to receive one hit through the program for their promoted website. Many sites offer the ability to upgrade one's membership level for a more equal credit ratio.

As the viewers are all website owners or affiliates, it is possible that some might find certain member sites interesting and thus make note of them on their own sites, sending more traffic their way. Most traffic programs also impose a time limit when members are browsing, ranging from 10 seconds to 60 seconds. Some incorporate the use of captcha to ensure user interaction.

Almost all traffic exchange programs are free, although many of them offer special features to paid members and offer credits for purchase. Almost all traffic exchange programs encourage users to build their own referral networks, which in turn increases the referrers' amount of credits.

The traffic generated in a traffic exchange can be leveraged by using a downline builder to assist the user in building a referral network in the many different traffic exchanges.

Do Traffic Exchanges Actually Work?

Yes but you have to know exactly how to work them.

Warning: Do not use traffic exchanges with a page including Google Ads. You will not receive your revenues.

How To Use a Traffic Exchange

Sign up for at appx 7 -15 different exchanges. Open each exchanges surf in your browser in tabs. So you will have 7 - 15 tabs across the top of your browser.

The number of exchanges should be determined by the speed of your internet connection.

Go from tab to tab across your browser and click on the 'next ' link. By the time you get back to the first exchange your time will be elapsed. Efficient!

Here is my list of exchanges.

Traffic exchanges work most effectively if you use either a splash page or a lead generating page.

The attention span of the surfer is very limited so something clean simple and catchy is the best way to go. The potential customer wants to get back to surfing so if you can get their name and e-mail in a lead page it will only take less than a minute of their time. If you do not like working with autoresponders then a Splash page is the way to go. Consider it like a 'billboard' for your advertising.

For a link to the auto-responder system that I use personally, (it has been in free trial mode for over two years!), and for instructions on how to set up a lead generating page ....that works...subscribe to my Traffic Master newsletter for a more detailed explanation. In the sidebar to the right--->

Friday, June 8, 2007

Groups and Classifieds

Yahoo Groups.
Google Groups.
Craigs List
Back Page

Although these will bring you great reliable traffic be careful with these. Only post in related Groups and do not spam any board. You do not want to work so hard to build up your promotion only to have it shut down due to spam reports. Companies have very strict policies on spam and will not hesitate to shut down an affiliate Url that is getting spam reports.

I personally promote to more than 200 affiliate advertising safe groups about 4 or 5 times a week. I do receive traffic to my websites from these posts but what these groups do best is to help create 'backlinks'. Backlinks are simply links from other place directed to your website. What do back links do exactly? They improve your search engine ranking this is also known as Search Engine Optimization SEO. These links also get individually spidered by the search engines and your ad will show up when and if someone is doing research on a company or just looking for info in general.

Hint: Work the words scam, review, success, information in your ads. These are top keywords. People are online looking to see if thier program they are signing up for is legit. So they might type something like..."Is a scam?"as their search criteria. You are covered. If you question if this actually works. Google into your web browser now and you will see how many of my adverts are on the first 5 pages. If you google and Scam you will see I have most of the listing on the first page! There are 60000 members in this company!

Hint 2: Word your ad into an article. For example title the name of your ad Are MLM on-line companies legit or Just Scam Pyramid Schemes. In fact if you type that into your browser you will see my ads! In the end I write about how to distinguish between a legit business and a scam and give an exampe...the example of course is the company I promote.

Bonus: I have RSS feeds coming into this site from the first group on each list. Everytime you post to these groups you will show and be indexed on the search engines not only from the group but also from the thetrafficmaster.blogspot. So you are advertising in two places with the effort of posting in one. You can see these postings to the right on the side bar.

Yahoo Groups safe for MLM and Affiliate posting.

  1. Open each of these groups in new tabs.
  2. Sign up for each one, be sure to check no e-mail or your e-mail account will get flooded beyond belief!
  3. Post your advert to each site.

While all these links are open, go to the Post link on each group. Do not post yet...first go to your bookmarks and select 'bookmark all tabs'. Now you simply have to open the folder in tabs and you will have all the post pages displayed on your browser page ready for posting. To go from tab to tab the short cut is the "Ctrl and Tab" key at the same time.

I know there are many more Yahoo groups suitable for posting to but this is just a sample to get you started. When you subscribe to my traffic newsletter I will give you my complete list which is updated on a regular basis as well as sample keyword efficient ads that get spidered and ranked in the top pages. You can also find you own groups and keep adding them to that bookmarks folder. Be very careful they are ad posting friendly! You will get accused and possibly even charged with spam or have your ISP connection shut down if you post in a non-friendly group.

Google Groups Safe for safe for MLM and Affiliate posting.
  1. Open up each group in new tab.
  2. Join each group.
  3. Submit posting to each group. I cycle through the tabs and copy/paste the title for each one.Go back and cut and paste the body. Then cycle through one last time to submit.
The higher traffic sites can be posted to every day. The medium and lower sites once or twice a week. Use your discretion. Usually if I go to post and see that my last ad is still on the first page I will skip the group.
Please let me know if you come across any broken links. Groups have a tendency to come and go. seems to frown upon affiliates and MLM's and your ads will probably get deleted.
However if the ad is tasteful it will take a few hours before flagged and removed. Eventually CL will just log your IP and you will not be able to make any more posts. Some people get denied access to the site completely. I am not going to condone posting to CL but we all know it's there.

Backpage. Good for job type postings if you are looking for people to join a sales team, be sure to check the terms and conditions to be sure you are not in violation.

Like to surf in private?
Follow WebHosting Link at top of Page to Anonymous Webproxy.
Please adhere to terms and conditions.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Business Exchange Communities

This is my third highest referrer of traffic. It is pretty easy to set up as well. It works kind of like a traffic exchange in that you go in and 'rate' other peoples sites and in return you are rated.

I have my blog listed as my Linkreferral site, as I mentioned in a previous entry I am promoting this blog in the exact same way a visitor to my site would promote their own endeavors.
Kind of a "Proof is in the pudding concept".

I like it when people give honest heart felt reviews. When someone does this for me I return the favor and do the same for them. Although there still are people that give generic reviews like, nice site, or pretty colors, most of the reviews are sound. Link referral has been around before the dawn of the social networks and I have been using Link Referral as a social network for a long time in the exact same way, in fact have met a few very good on-line marketing friends through link referral.

I guess that is another hidden personal! On-line communities can be as warm or as cold as you would like them to be. The more you put in, the more genuine you are the more you will get out of them. Friendly sales people get more customers than rude ones in all venues whether it is your hair stylist, your gas station attendant or your on-line traffic specialist!

So this having been said...Link Referral is a very good resource for testimonials....

Here are a couple for the Traffic Master!
  • Your blog is great and filled with really good and valuble marketing and promotional information. I have bookmarked it. .
  • Wow this is a great blog! I added this to my favorites. Tons of great information!
  • This is a wonderful web site. Lots of helpful and useful information. Will bookmark this one. Thanks..
  • I like your approach. No flash, no get rich quick--just a tutorial that I'm sure people will find very helpful! Good luck!.
  • If all this imfo youare providing is for free, why are so many others charging for the same? good job!.
  • Great site. I hope the newbies will take heed from it. .
  • Helpful tips for the newbie trying to get more business.
  • Great Website packed with loads of information on good resources.
  • This is an excellent resource page. Tons of useful information and links. Worth a visit. Good Luck!.
  • This site has great contents, lots of links and resourses to keep me busy for a while. I like the step by step directions to duplicate your system. The only thing keeping it from getting a perfect score is I noticed a blank square at the top of the page where a graphic pic used to be. Also, it would be much easier to navigate if you break the contents into pages. It's difficult when I'm reading something and wanted to reference something I read earlier, I have to scroll up searching for the material. Great job overall.
  • Absolutely awsome site! Everyone needs to read it from top to bottom..
  • This site has great contents, lots of links and resourses to keep me busy for a while. I like the step by step directions to duplicate your system..
  • Very impressive and informative, I will use some of your recommended resources. Keep a good work..
  • I'm going to bookmark you and follow your suggestions. i was doing some of the things you talk about already, but you make it easy for me. Thanks for all the good advice.
Thanks Guys!

I have decided to make visiting Link referral a daily task. I recommend you do the same.
There is some BIG potential for traffic generation here.

Free to sign up. Upgrades Available.

This is what the Site says:

The Linkreferral Concept

We are striving to provide an affordable alternative to search engines and banner ad campaigns which give mediocre results. Our three pronged approach to developing free traffic for our members is described below,

Referral based traffic - by registering and placing the linkreferral code on your website and/or promoting your linkreferral page with your referral ID, an exponential growth of 5 levels of referrals can be created (ex. you refer 10 people who refer 10 people each who refer 10 each....), potentially 100,000s of visitors/day all viewing your link prominently in the top spot of our 'Featured Sites' section on our home page for your referral ID! It works because its free, fast to register, easy to implement and NO RISK. People that are referred from your site will have nothing to lose and everything to gain, just like you!

Members directory traffic - you will be included in our members directory which is visited by our community of over 30,000 members, and thousands of outside visitors on a daily basis. You'll have the opportunity to be ranked at the top of your category, absolutely free!

Search engine traffic - By registering, we'll create pages within with your link and description, which can be picked up by all the major search engines! Your sign-up description, combined with our strong traffic base (a prime ranking factor for most major search engines) can pull in a significant immediate steady stream of traffic for your web site. The top indexed members pages generate 100's clickthroughs per day!

additionally we offer paid advertising, upgraded memberships and payment for referrals! Simply fill out the form starting with 'generate your traffic now' on the front page, submit it, then cut and paste the resulting HTML code into your web site and your done!

Here Are 124 Million Reasons to Include YouTube In Your Online Marketing Campaign

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


What's A Safelist Anyway?

It's a mailing list where all members can mail ads & offers to
each other legally and ethically. This type of advertising
is spam-free because before joining every member
gave permision to receive ads from you!

I really can only be bothered with a couple of these safelists. I find the ones that work on the credit system are the ones that seem to actually result in hits to your site.

Free to sign up.
Upgrades avail.
A hits lottery that works. I recieved 3000 free credits just yesterday. is my favorite and I get at least 4 sign-ups to Hits2U a day just based upon a display ad that shows when members click to recieve thier credits.

Here is what they have to say on their webpage


  • Spending countless hours trying to drive visitors to your website?
  • Spending obscene amounts of money trying to find prospects for your business opportunities?
  • Tired of using advertising systems that make false promises and not getting the results you want?
  • We guarantee visitors to your site, readers to your ads, and prospects to all your business opportunities.

Our system is carefully developed to create a demand for YOUR advertisement with the help of our famous Monetary Credit System. Within the GOTSafelist community, our credits are used as a universal currency. You can use these credits to access our powerful advertising system to convert your prospects and readers into customers. What makes our credits unique and valuable is that you can convert credits into cash through our Credit to Cash Exchange System.

Join us for FREE and earn credits by simply participating in your safelist community. Then you decide what you want to do with YOUR credits. You may decide to use the credits to send traffic to your site, prospects to your ads and banners OR simply convert the credits back to CASH in your pocket! Whatever the case, it's a WIN WIN for you and your business opportunities!!

Every credit in our system is accounted for and
backed by real money in our online cash account.

Give me my FREE account & 3,000 credits NOW!


Generally I prefer credit based systems but I do recieve some traffic from e-mail I've sent from here.

It is free to post an ad every 7 days.
I got the Pro Upgrade for $9.95 so I can post every second day.

This is what the site says:

What is Herculist?

Herculist is a 100% optin safe-list.
The system is very simple. Join for free and submit your ad to the Herculist database. Anything can be advertised as long as it is legal, and not adult material related!

When you join Herculist you will instantly receive your personal Herculist site. This site will be needed to login to the members area so that you can submit your ad. You can also promote your site and earn commissions by sponsoring new Pro or Gold members! Many current Herculist members are earning substantial incomes from promoting their Herculist sites!

Say goodbye to downloading thousands of e-mail addresses. Say good bye to the fear of getting booted by your ISP.

Herculist is the answer to all your internet marketing needs.

This is my other pick. I initially went here because it seemed to be a popular choice between a lot of fellow on-line marketers. Again it is credit based which is good because at least your know people have to go to your link for about 15sec. My inbox was never swamped with e-mails from these guys. In fact I would have liked a few more for credits!

This is what they say on the site:

Free Advertising at its Best

Mad Vlad Safelist was ranked #1 for 30 weeks in a row by
TrafficHoopla, a professional company that specializes
in testing the performance of free advertising sites.

What Can You Expect Here?

Expect Your ads to be read & your sales to explode

I reward my members with mailing credits for reading other
members' ads, but in order for them to get credits they'll
have to look at your site for at least 15 seconds. You
won't believe the response you'll get from this!

A free, very responsive, credit based safelist with over 2,500 members

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Viral Marketing

The Ultimate Traffic System

This Blog just would not be complete without at least one viral marketing system.

This system will work if you work at it!

Viral marketing works kind of like a chain letter for your Url. You ad your url and send it to 7 people and then they send it to 7 people and so on and so on and so on...until when your url is at the top position your url is being seen by almost a million visitors.

When playing the numbers game you really can't go wrong here.

I liked the way this one is set up. It is perfect in it's simplicity. You go in. You decide to try it. It automatically takes you through the steps which includes viewing 9 sites. A lot of the sites I viewed were on Traffic Generation so I actually didn't mind doing the 9 site surf and I spent more than the required 15 seconds on more than a few of the sites! After you are done you make your choice of paid or free and then they e-mail a link for you to promote so you can start the viral marketing! This would work great if you decided to follow in my foot steps to start your own Traffic Blog? (hint hint to the surprise last task at the end of this blog!)

Follow this link to your potential 1, 000, 000 visits!
The Ultimate Traffic System

This is what they say on the site:

How it Works

When a new member joins the Ultimate Traffic System they are first instructed to enter their name, email address, desired password and website.

Then they are automatically taken to a rotating page. The first page in the rotation will be the sponsor's website. After a short period of time you will be asked to click a next button. The next page will belong to the next person in your sponsor's upline. The page after that will be your sponsor's sponsor's upline, and so on. Each new page is another website in your sponsor's upline until it reaches seven levels.

When you're finished viewing all the pages, (this only takes a few minutes), you will be asked to click a button to confirm your membership. You will then be emailed your self-replicated website just like this one to promote to your visitors, with your memberID. (so we know that you're the sponsor)

Your website will start appearing on other member's websites as soon as someone is on your second level. It will continue to multiply throughout hundreds of other member's uplines as long as they keep referring new members themselves. You'll soon see a steady rise in your traffic which will increase every day.

Keep in mind, there is no way for people to cheat since this is all hosted on our servers. Your position is 100% secure through our automated system.

Just like a rumour, your website will spread throughout the virtual neighborhood.

And, if you decide to change your URL at any time, new members will see it. This way you can promote hot new products to your well established UTS network!

How Much Free Traffic Can You Expect?

Let's take a look at an extremely conservative example based on you referring seven people, who refer seven people, and so on. Remember, as soon as your website appears on the second level in someone's upline, it will start multiplying throughout all the other levels.

Level /Hits
# 7
# 56
# 399
# 2,800
# 19,607
# 137,256
# 960,799

So, realistically, if you get at least 7 referrals (aim for 10, heck, go for 20!) you will set off a perpetual, viral traffic machine that will consistently deliver a never-ending stream of guaranteed hits to your website! All you need is just a few people under you to do the same, and that will definitely get the ball rolling! And if that's not enough, while you're multiplying your traffic you can generate an additional "auto-pilot" income stream when you refer pro members... with NO extra effort on your part! Membership is 100% free and you can cancel at anytime simply by clicking the cancel button. What do you have to lose? Join thousands of other UTS members who are already experiencing the thrill of a never-ending supply of hits and sales to their websites!


Monday, June 4, 2007

E-mail Signatures

Signature Lines

Have you created your e-mail signature?

Check your e-mail help files, or options page to find out how to activate and use the signature file feature.

It is a nice way to let everyone know what you are promoting without being obvious about it.

An example signature line would look like this.

Step by Step Guide to Affliate Marketing.
Get more traffic with this easy to follow system. the Traffic Master

Friday, June 1, 2007

Forums and Message Boards

Before you do anything bookmark this site. You will need to refer back when managing your ad campaigns. I am now about to guide you, step by step, to earning the traffic you will need to become a success.

I have given you 6 boards to start with, in time you will want to add more to this list. All I ask is you keep everything subject related. In otherwords don't post your affiliate ad on a gardening site unless it has to do with gardening.

We are all potential customers of one another and integrity goes a long way in establishing a relationships and a reputation in this business.

If people see you as a reliable and honest source for info they will not hesitate to listen to you when you introduce them to your latest endeavor.

Be sure to always include your Url in your profile for others to see no matter what board you are subscribed to. Most boards have a place to introduce yourself. Be sure to do this. After members read your post they will look at your profile and possibly click on your link.

If you can set up a freeware or shareware form filler you can breeze through this in 15 minutes. Personally I use Roboform. It has a nice username/password system and there are absolutely no worries of Adware and Spyware. (I won't go near this stuff!)

Download and set up RoboForm now.

  1. Set up Google Ad Sense to show ads on your blog and some of the forums.
  2. Write down my username beepbeeper. You will need it as a referal reference.

Open these 6 links in 6different tabs.
  1. Go to each one and click the join or register button.
  2. Use your form filler to fill in the same username password e-mail for each one. Close each board as you submit.
  3. Go to your e-mail and verify each site then close.
  4. Come back here and open link window in new tab again. Click on your form filler name to log in to each site. Save each site's password
  5. Click on edit profile
  6. Go to each profile or user CP and fill in details. Be sure to enter the Url of your latest endeavor. If they don't have a place for your Url add it to your signature but be sure to read the rules, make sure the forum you are visiting accepts the type of business you are promoting.
  7. Go to each Board and make your first post introducing yourself. If they don't have an introduction area just find the most suitable place you can.

Sample Introduction Message:

Hi everyone, just signed up on this board by recommendation. I have had a chance to look around and I noticed...(describe the nature of the blog). I am currently promoting (name the endeavor but do not post the link, the link is in your profile and/or your signature) and would love to hear your opinions. I am always open to new ideas so please do not hesitate to e-mail me or send me a private message.

Congratulations! You have completed task Number 1.

Now that you have set up these boards be sure to return to this site every couple days. Open all boards in different tabs and check your private messages on each board. Look around the boards, post comments whenever you have something to offer or share. Be sure to read each boards rules about promoting your business on the board. Some boards such as (which I also recommend as an excellent resource) don't take kindly to self promotion, others welcome it and actually encourage it! Others have very specific areas for this. A rule of thumb, if you are pissing people off you are doing something wrong.

Duplication is the key to Prosperity

First I just wanted to let you know I would love to hear from you. I am always trying to building up my personal network. And when I say this I do Not mean my safelist! Send me an e-mail letting me know how you are doing with your business and if any of my advice or tool were helpful to you.

I just like to talk to people and see what they are promoting and their success rates. I would also like to know if you were successful with gaining traffic and if not I would like to help you to achieve this.

I will be looking for your signature file on the end of that email! - (That's the first test lol!)

I have also have tons of marketing e-books and tools I have collected along the way for promotional use if you are in need of anything just ask and I may be able to help you find what you are looking for. I also have inspierational stories including a couple rags to riches stories such as that of the Domino's Pizza Guy. Personally I find these stories really do help to keep me motivated.

When I started out a lot of people helped to stear me straight and I just want to pass along the good Karma. If you have been around longer than me I could always use more mentors! I am like a sponge when it comes to learning and info especially when it comes to marketing. I see that working on-line has been very lucrative for other people on the net.

While I have been able to earn money on the net I would like to achieve the 1000's I hear that others are making daily. I feel with enough diligence this is achieveable. Commitment to you dreams and your success is the first step.

Dupication is Key

When you see someone out there is achieving success. Ask them what they are doing. Ask them exactly what they are doing. Most people are more than willing to share especially if you are a member of their team. I am more than willing to share. My system has worked over and over again and it can work for you too.

Get you marketing blog out there. Advertise it as you would advertise a regular business. Do not be blantant with your promotions but interweave them in your advice and your stories. This way you will be regarded as being helpful before being pushy. When I go to a new blog and the first thing I see is a big advert do you know what I do? I move on. I am sure a lot of others do this as well. When I see some quality info I start to pay attention.

Everytime you sign up a new member to your endeavor send them to your marketing blog. This is the main reason you want to keep your sales out of your page. You will not be accused of spamming your downline if you are just offering advice on how to market. Be sure to start a newsletter and keep in touch with everyone. Not all my on-line projects have panned out the way I wanted to but many added to my blog following over the years.

Be sure to have all your traffic links up to date. Many of these links have a viral marketing effect. The traffic exchange links give you free credits everytime a new member signs up and often everytime they surf.

Tell your own story and give your own opinions. You can use my articles and sources keeping the general context but be sure to make it your own. That is what sells, there is too much generic stuff out there. Do exactly what I did and use every tool to market your own blog with the same tools that you will be promoting. If you take a couple hours everyday to do all your group submissions, keep up to date with your message boards, do some traffic exchange surfing, critique a few sites on link referal, and send out an e-mail from your safelists, you too will see the same results or better!

Trust me, you will want to do all these things because as you enter each site you will see more people have joined your groups and downlines. It is a great feeling of accomplishment knowing that you are helping others while achieving your own success.

You will notice that I created my own Google group and Yahoo group and added it to the top of the list. You should do the same and as this blog gets passed along these groups will get filled up quickly. It is also a nice platform for us to keep in touch with one another and help each other to become successful. Downlines become like bloodlines we need them for survival and strength they must be nurtured.

There are a lot of downlines to build here. Possibly some commissions. I know I have upgraded a few programs and I am sure others will too.

I know it is a big task! But if you want to succeed you must put time and effort into your endeavors. On-line business is not a free ride. Those who are successful are as committed to our success as most executives are to their careers.

The difference being the foundations we lay now will carry us through for the rest of our lives with having to worry about living off a meager pension fund. When you have a strong traffic core it does not matter what new project you decide to take on. The audience is there and waiting.

Build your core. Build your blog. Update it everytime you find a new traffic source that works for you. Make it something that people are going to feel compelled to bookmark.

It's a numbers game. Not matter how great your product is, in the end if you only have 50 people visiting your site a day it is not going to sell.

That is that. The thing is done. So mote it be!

Wishing you all the success you deserve.

MLM - Pyramid Scams or Legitimate Businesses? Discussion Topic @ AdlandPro Community

theTrafficMaster Google Group

A testimonial from a Traffic Master Trainee.

From: ( I love this one!)

Also a good resource site! (Excellent trainee!)

Please visit and let Clarafiedwords know theTrafficMaster sent you.

No Brainers

These people are successful and sharing what they know. Don't think about it--Furl it, bookmark it, subscribe to it, whatever, just get over there!

This guy is definitely ahead of the curve.
Internet Business Mastery
Rated No.1 podcast for a reason.
SeoproToolZ Blog
Relatively new blog, but I've learned something useful from every post.
Step By Step Guide to Affiliate Advertising
AKA The Trafficmaster. Steps listed here drive traffic to your site. It won't necessarily be traffic that buys anything, but the traffic will help improve your ranking

I will post all other Traffic Master inspired Blogs and Websites up here! Just let me know you are out there!