Broad-Based Search Engine Web 2.0 Alternatives.
Will Google Search be challenged by this rapid 'Vertical' growth?
A search engine is basically just software hosted by a site that provides a list of 'documents' or 'pages' in response to a keyword query.
Businesses, researchers and consumers use the search engines for a variety of reasons. Search engines like Yahoo and Google are used for an all encompassing general search but more often surfers are looking for a search that is more specific to their unique needs.
Search Engines that cater to a specific 'niche' are not new. Websites that help people to find what they are looking for specifically, whether it is to look for shops, to find people, or resource businesses have been around for years. In the past few years however there has been a steep increase in the number and popularity of these 'niche' search sites.
Enter the 'Vertical Search Engine'. A vertical search engine is basically a destination or a 'Portal' site. Vertical Search Engines offer to businesses and enthusiasts what the big players can only deliver with complex keyword combinations. That is relevant and essential content versus millions of sites results filled with vague information.
So to answer the question, "Will Google Search be challenged by this rapid 'Vertical' growth?" The answer is Yes, it is quite likely when it comes to specialized 'niche' areas Google and other broad-based search engine sites such as Yahoo and MSN will feel the competition. Their user base will continue to be chipped away by the increasingly popular targeted vertical search engines.
What Specifically is the difference between a 'Vertical Search Engine' and a 'Broad-Based Search Engine'?
A broad-based search engine sends out 'web crawlers' better known as 'spiders' to fetch a very large number of documents. A program called an indexer then reads these documents and creates a search index based upon the text contained in each site specifically. All search engines have their own set of criteria or more technically an algorithm to create indexes of the categories of the keywords found in the text. This way in a perfect world only ideal meaningful specific results would be returned.
Whereas vertical search engines only 'spider' a very refined database. There indexes then contain only information relating to a specific topic which will reach a highly targeted and focused audience. Examples of businesses that use vertical search engines are real estate, medical, employment, tourism, and corporate purchasing.
How are vertical search engines competition?
The broad-based search engines rapidly are getting broader and broader by the millions. This has become a frustration for those of us looking for specific targeted information. We are forced to do multiple searches with unique keyword combinations to get the information we are looking for. Often it takes several searches and having to research many pages deep for the pertinent info we seek. A Microsoft study revealed that an average user will spend 11 minutes on a typical search.
On the other hand a vertical search engine offers quality and specific information on a specialized topic. They target local, professional, and social groups of information.
Here is a quick example. You are a fisherman looking for gear. When using a vertical search engine you submit the word 'rods', you will be getting specific information on 'fishing rods'. Curtain rods, lightening rods, hot rods, and Rod the sexy plumber will not come in your search. Can you see how this can save a lot of time and aggravation?
Who does the vertical search engine market cater to?
The vertical search engine market generally caters to someone looking to target a niche audience. When a consumer enters a vertical search engine they are looking for something very specific and generally are at the brink of the seek, find and buy mode. Search engines have been proved to be the most popular form of finding what you want on the Internet. The growing number of businesses advertising on the net gives even the most savvy of search engine optimizers a run for their money.
This is where hitting a vertical search engine market would help you to get a leg up on your competition. There may be fewer people using the vertical search engines but all the people there are a targeted audience looking precisely for what you are offering or something related to it. A business that may otherwise have been lost 20 pages deep in Google now can have a first or second page appearance. In fact a vertical search engine will drive traffic to their portals by buying Keywords on Google and other broad based search engines. One less and often expensive step for the businesses listing on their site.
Examples of Vertical Search Engines are...
The big players such as Google and Yahoo have now offered in various stages of development their own versions of vertical search engines. Whether or not they will be able to compete with the integrity of established vertical engines is yet to be seen.
If you enjoyed this article why not subscribe to the Traffic Master newsletter? Not Sales, Not Hype, Just good Advice.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A New 2.0 Search Trend - Will it give Google a Run for it's Money?
Posted by
Julie Zbeetnoff
7:57 PM
SEO tools - Free Advertising Blogs
We have talked of setting up your own free blogs. Today we are going to talk of advertsing on blogs that are specifically designed for posting your adverts.
What is this and why does it work?
These are simply advertising blogs others have set up for your to post your ads on. Free membership usually allow for posting once a week.
Your Ads and affiliate links will get indexed in the major search engines like Google�, Yahoo�, and MSN�.
If you do have your own website set up the more links you have coming into your URL the higher your ranking.
Two Ad blogs to get you started.
- Open in tabs.
- Use your form filler.
- Create a bookmarks folder and save the login pages to this folder.
As you continue with your on-line marketing campaigns you will find similar advertising blogs. As you sign up to these add them to your folder in your bookmarks. This way they will be ready for you to everytime all in one place!
If you enjoyed this post why not subscribe to theTrafficMaster newsletter? No Sales, No Hype, Just Good Advice.
Posted by
Julie Zbeetnoff
8:16 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Do your Friends and Family Give You Attitude about your on-line MLM and Affiliate business? Read this!
Let's face it. We are well aware of the look we get from friends and family members when we first start to mention on-line network marketing and our latest endeavors.
Are there times when you feel alone in your efforts to become successful via the internet?
Well you are not alone by far, this is a very common feeling and a feeling that I feel draws us together. Hence the overnight popularity of Social Business Networks such as Apsense Bizpreneur and SaleSpider.
As Quoted from an article by Donald Trump;
Marketing is a powerful tool, and network marketing can increase that power, provided you're self motivated. In a simple visual, see a product and remove the advertising agency from it. It's up to you to do the marketing and advertising.
Thats a big job, but it can be done if you're passionate enough to get going on your own, and to keep the momentum and motivation going at a high level. It requires an entrepreneurial spirit and that requires focus and perseverance. I don't recommend network marketing to people that are not highly self motivated.
To see this entire article visit:
Be sure to bookmark the above link. The next time you feel someone is giving you attitude about your network marketing quest for freedom, take a moment to go over the above article. At least "you" know you have Donald and Robert on your side!
...and of course me too.
If you enjoyed this article please subscribe to my Traffic Master Newsletter to have my articles and traffic resources sent straight to your inbox. Not Sales, Not Hype, Just Good Advice.
Posted by
Julie Zbeetnoff
6:15 AM
Labels: article, Donald Trump, Kiyosaki, mlm, nework marketing, pdf, Robert Kiyosaki, Trump
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Essential Traffic Blog - Everyone 'Must' have One!
The web is impersonal. That is a problem! That problem can be overcome.
There are two things that can overcome this, one is your welcome letter which we will get to later in the blog, the other is your own personal Traffic Blog.
You will find me referring to the setting up your own blog thing quite often through-out my blog and in my newsletter. If I am actually am in contact you because you are in my team, you have heard this question, "Have you Set up Your own Blog Yet?" and you will keep hearing it until you finally do it! If you are a member of my team I know you are nodding your head and laughing right now because I stress this as being one of the most important things you will ever do on the internet.
Why am I so insistant? It's important. This is your first connection to your team to show them that you are organized and professional and you know what you are doing and how to do it and you are wanting to share this! This is you branding 'you'. Sales people do not sell products, they sell themselves.
A blog is permanent and you as you grow as an on-line marketer your blog will grow with you. It is a reflection of you and your knowledge and your personality and your view points and it makes you Personal! You are no longer an advertisement and a username. You are now a person, an associate, a team leader, a coach and a friend and this will be mirrored throughout your blog.
I feel the creation of the Traffic Master actually defines the moment in my own on-line career when I went from being a hack marketer to being an on-line marketing professional. When people join into my endeavors and are wanting advice the first thing I tell them, write a traffic blog and get into the social groups. The two go hand in hand in developing an on-line identity. How can we represent a business when we have not even taken the steps to represent ourselves. We are selling ourselves, our business follows natrually.
Don't fill your blog full of fluff and filler unless this is how you see yourself... are you full of fluff and filler? Do you walk around carrying around shiny blinky distracting signs? Do you dress in all colors of the rainbow? Represent this blog as you would represent yourself at a professional business meeting or an interview. You are the expert. You do not show up in a clown suit...not unless of course you are in fact applying for the clown job.
As you go through each post in my blog feel free to add a page to your own blog and make it your own with your own links to the resources. It can be as in depth or as simple as your like. Don't worry if it seems a little rough at first. You have a lifetime to smooth out the wrinkles. Be sure to print off a copy of your first blog and store it away. It is nice keepsake for you to keep to view as you progress as you go along. If you are like me you will be revising and updating and tweaking your blog on a regular basis. In a couple years you will impress yourself by just how far you have come! Even if you think you are pretty good now!
For a good example of simple squidoo traffic page visit:
Step by Step:
- Open Blogger in a new tab. (left click - new tab)
- Set up a blog criteria. Name, Title, Topic, Colors all that fun stuff
- Write your first post. Explaining why setting up a traffic blog is so important or whatever advice or traffic secrets you would like to talk about.
- Blogs are in chronological order you have to keep in mind how you date your articles. If you want to keep a flow in your posts or leave room to insert post you may want to date them with some space in between. Personally I started out doing that but in the end just started posting randomly. My newsletter is however in the proper order!
- Submit this Blog to note: your submission goes through a moderator so you will not be able to post instantly. Just save your post (once) and check back in a day. It should be listed.Write down your passwords. You will need them to edit your blog.
- Continue posting and complete your blog or simply set up a few pages every day.
If you enjoyed ths post please feel free to sign up to theTrafficMaster newsletter. Not Hype. Just good advice.
Posted by
Julie Zbeetnoff
12:05 PM
Sunday, July 8, 2007
eBay and Classifieds
EBay Launches U.S. Site for Classifieds , AP via North County Times (July 8)
EBay's classified site, covers 220 cities in 50 states. "Topics include "apartments for rent," "lost and found," "pet adoption" and "garage sales." It also includes personals sites such as "missing you," "just friends" and "activity partners.""
EBay also operates the international classifieds site - Kijiji - where sellers from over 24 countries post.
Interestingly, eBay also owns 25% of Craigslist, a key competitor to the new services.
Posted by
Julie Zbeetnoff
7:52 PM
Blog Comments - I don't mean blog spamming!
How Blog comments can create traffic and back links.
Similar Forum Marketing, making comments on other people’s Blogs is a a very good way to increase inbound links and at the same time network in your niche.
The first thing you will need to do is to locate other blogs that are on your niche topic. Sound difficult? It's not. It's a piece of cake!
3 links that will take you straight your target audience.
Go to your bookmarks folder and and create a folder and name it Niche Blog Sites.
Once you find some blogs that are on your topic bookmark them to this folder.
Now all you have to do is every once in a while go to this folder, left click and select 'open in tabs'.
It is time to peruse the blogs.
What you don't want to do is to spam the blog! You will only succeed in annoying others and getting you comment deleted and the blog owner may even go so far as to ban your IP address.
What you are looking for is to read over the new blog posts and look for the following comment criteria...
1. Can I add a comment that will enhance the post that was just written, offering similar and valuable information?
2. Is there a question in the blog I can answer?
3. Can I offer my opinion on the subject without coming across as arrogant.
4. Is there an intelligent question I can ask about the bloggers post?
5. Try to offer advice and tips, and only sell your site when it is in a direct answer to someones question.
Generally I just sign my first name with my promo URL underneath like a signature line in an unoffensive manner.
You are not going to get a flood of traffic from just one blog comment and there are not always ideal posts out there for you to comment to in an unoffensive manner. That is why I suggest to find between 20 to 30 blogs in your niche. Open them all in tabs a couple times a week and scan and post to them only when it is most appropriate. Keep your list fresh. Delete from your bookmarks the blogs that are not getting updated and add fresh blogs every time you come across them!
Blog commenting in the long term will get you some very targetted steady traffic and also get your comments and links spidered (looked up and indexed) by the search engines.
For more tips and hints on blogging and blogging tactics subscribe theTrafficMaster newsletter. No hype just good advice.
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Y! MyWeb
Posted by
Julie Zbeetnoff
7:45 PM
Have You Drawn a Map to the Sun?
Do you know where where your sun is? Then it is time to start drawing a map.
Forget signing up 10 new members every day you are better to sign up 10 a week!
It's true. You can sign up 1000 members that forget about you in 2.3 seconds time and they are off to sign up for the next best free thing or you can sign up a couple people a day and coach them to be quality team members.
Do not regard your new team members as a name and an e-mail on your list. Regard them as your personal team. People that through what ever media have placed their faith and trust in you. These are real people out there with real lives, people with families and dreams just like you. They are not just a name on your list. When you begin to realize this you will start to see doors fly open for you.
These people for one minute while they made the choice to repsond to your advert placed a piece their future in your hands, take that responsibility and honor it.
The members you keeping in touch with everyday and the members you organize to attend regular meetings via conference software are the members that are going to be your foundation.
Are you a team leader? Then lead. What if we had an army where we just recruited but never trained and never gave them the right tools and then we just sent them all off to war and said good luck! How long do you think they would last?
Have you trained your team? Have you even contacted your members even once? Do you have mailing list sset up for each and every on-line business you promote? If you don't I'm sorry but your army is not going to last long out there. It is a competive world and you have not supplied them with training or tools. You are better to have 10 members that last for life than 1000 members that will dissappear in a week.
Corral your marketing strategies. Gather up all your prize ads. Put together a list of all your resources and how to use them. Write stories people can relate to about success, dreams, and achieving goals. Gather them up and put them in a blog and refer every single new member to your blog. Then contact every new member and go through each and every step with them. Share thier excitement as they start find thier own members and set a good examaple as a team leader on how they should respect and help their own teams.
It makes me happy to know I am helping so many people out there from all over the world to realize their own potential and teach them how to become successful on-line businesspeople. Many of whom may never have had this opportunity in their regular lives. Many who are just sick and tired of their full time jobs and who want something of their own they can build and work on and get out of what they put in.
I always say outside of the lottery and the stock market there is no such thing as a "Get Rich Quick" business. I put a lot of hours every week into communication and building and learning. Every single day I work at my on-line business, which I love to do. I am passionate about becoming my own boss and making my own rules and helping others to realize this is possible. Everyday I see my reputation and my success rate rise. Everyday I am closer to my sun.
Although the internet has been around for years it is still in its infancy stage and we are in the dawning of the "Information Age" and as with the dawning of any new age, opportunity runs rampant.
The time and effort I put in today will be rewarded with days in the sun for years to come!
Where is 'your' sun? Is it on a boat? In the mountains? On a rooftop patio? On a beach? In the backyard with your family? Without your team the amount of days you spend in your sun may be limited. Are you willing to take the journey to your sun?
Start drawing out maps for your team members and with them right behind you we will all share the sun together.
If you enjoyed this article sign up for theTrafficMaster newsletter. Not hype just good advice.
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Posted by
Julie Zbeetnoff
12:08 PM
MLM - Pyramid Scams or Legitimate Businesses? Discussion Topic @ AdlandPro Community
theTrafficMaster Google Group
A testimonial from a Traffic Master Trainee.
From: ( I love this one!)Also a good resource site! (Excellent trainee!)
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No Brainers
These people are successful and sharing what they know. Don't think about it--Furl it, bookmark it, subscribe to it, whatever, just get over there!
- CyberWyre
- This guy is definitely ahead of the curve.
- Internet Business Mastery
- Rated No.1 podcast for a reason.
- SeoproToolZ Blog
- Relatively new blog, but I've learned something useful from every post.
- Step By Step Guide to Affiliate Advertising
- AKA The Trafficmaster. Steps listed here drive traffic to your site. It won't necessarily be traffic that buys anything, but the traffic will help improve your ranking
I will post all other Traffic Master inspired Blogs and Websites up here! Just let me know you are out there!